Painful Experiences.....
Wouldn't Life have been so beautiful if you did not have to worry about certain people, and what they do or did?While settling down to have my breakfast a few hours ago, I just thought of the few sweet people that have come my way this year. It did take me a while to warm up to them, if you know what I mean. I'm asking myself, 'are they phony?' , 'do they really care?', 'what's in this for them?'.. That's what happens when your mind has been messed up, and sadly your heart has been sliced into two as well. As I gleefully poured blueberry yoghurt into my oats, I shook my head in pain. How did I ever make it through that season of anguish and bitterness? It seemed like yesterday, but at the same time it felt like a totally different dimension. Honestly, I felt a twinge of pain unconsciously going down memory lane, but I quickly looked at how far I've come. I may not have accomplished a lot career wise, but I am stronger; firmer in my decision...