Closer Than A Brother

I bet a lot of us are looking forward to St Valentines day, while a few of us cannot be bothered. Now, hold on! It's not because you don't love chocolate or wine or teddy bears and jewellery. It's because you don't have someone to share it with, or you are just not feeling loved.

There are times when I just wished God who says He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother could just come down, draw me close, and I could just cry my eyes out on His shoulder. Sadly,He can't come down and manifest as a strong, broad, shoulder. Sure, I feel His strong presence ,sure I feel His
Love. When I remember His Word.

But He has also sent certain people into our lives; people who will not laugh at our present circumstances or tease us for our inadequacies; people who believe in us and appreciate us; people who are just a call away.

Just yesterday, I was distraught because I was unable to get a positive result from a project I am presently handling, and then a friend called, and made it all better. The care and help she offered was remarkable. It sure was a timely phone call.

You need a friend that is God sent for the 'Kleenex' days,and the picnic days!

Spend Friday with someone who appreciates your strengths and never criticises or judges you.

Like Barney, I end on this note," remember, I Love you"



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