Love in all its forms!

You know recently,a lot of things have been happening around me and to me that I did not envisage or have a plan B to fall back on .

I have literally began to live the phrase' one day at a time',
simply because its energy sapping,and mentally stressful thinking of what might have been,what I truly wanted,or what I believe the future holds for me.
Haven't you at one time or the other felt like the world was caving in,or you felt so un accepted in certain quarters that you came up with the word that best describes you, failure.

Let me conjure another scenario,things and circumstances always fall perfectly in place for you,but this time around,it has not,and you are disappointed.
There's a temptation to feel unloved,unnoticed,useless,unworthy because of your present circumstances-that's exactly how I felt until tonight.
As I gazed into my little one's face as she snored softly,I felt so much love(that I did not realise still existed) well up in my heart. As I laid beside her in bed,I looked at her face,kissed her,stared at her head,and one scripture hit me. Matthew 10:30.
As much as I loved her,I realised I had no idea how many strands of hair were on her head,and neither could i count all of them.
In that instance it dawned on me God was in bed with me,I looked back and smiled,and almost felt His hand in my hair caressing me to rest telling me,'its my battle,not yours!' Proverbs 21:31.

Its true,God loves you,God loves me,and He is not ignorant of our present circumstances,but He is moulding us,and changing things on our behalf.

Perfect Love really does cast out fear!!
Thank you,Jesus.


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