Help, I've had a Wardrobe Malfunction!

I totally had a faux-pas this weekend. Alright,it was not a wardrobe malfunction like a nipple slip or whale tail flash,but it was an embarrassing time for me. I have had my fair share of socially awkward and nasty moments in the past, but it had been a while. I had to go for an event where there was a sudden and unplanned change in venue. The new venue located in Central London,made it tough to get a parking space. Having parked very far from the venue, I had to walk with friends down to the event. 

The downside to the story was my shoe was a little loose,and I forgot to stuff the pair with tissue. Reputed to be a high heeled hottie, I flopped. I could not walk, friends had to leave me behind; I simply crawled to the venue. Returning from a rather exhilarating and tiring day with another set of friends,I simply removed my shoes,and walked bare foot back to the car. 

Things have never gotten that bad for me on my worst shoe days. I do hope that never happens again,but that is almost impossible,because we will always wear clothes,and shoes with at least 0.01 percent imperfection. The 'luck' we have is we escape unnoticed by eighty percent of the world's population. We are not celebrities; we are everyday people.
This happened in the presence of friends,and so I will have to live with my bad choice. Knowing this before hand will help me live with the tease and giggles .

Having experienced this before,I thought I should  give tips on how to handle faux pas;

  • Wear an outfit or shoes similar to the bad experience,but this time ensure you take precautions. This way,you send tongues wagging and even get stares like , "duh! Haven't you learnt?" . Expect the worst feedback,that way everyone speaks what's on their mind,and you can have a healthy laugh about the whole experience. Chances are they will say it so much that day,they may never talk about it anymore.

  • Smile and keep your head up! If you cannot look them in the eyes just yet,avert your gaze. Some people may even be embarrassed for you,so help them feel less awkward by stopping at 'hello' on the ''first'' meet. Be rest assured,things will get better with subsequent meetings. Also the smile helps fuel your self-esteem,and the way others see you. 

  • Ensure you do not miss the next date or event. If you have the day scheduled for another appointment,do cancel it. When you are not present in the next occasion,friends are more likely to think you were so embarrassed and the good ones will get concerned,calling texting,and buttressing the whole bad episode. That is just going to make you feel worse. The less caring ones will probably see it as a good time to convince others you are a chicken or you are  suicidal.
So there you are,if celebrities have gone through nipple slips,bum tears ,windy days and still make another block buster movie,or win another tournament,who says its the end of the world for you.


  1. @ the shoe.. hehehehe.. True dat everyone has had a bad day.. I bought one particularly fine shirt like dat even though I knew it was gonna be tight and show off my 1 sac turning six packs.. lolz.. as fine as the shirt was, I eventually had to give it out because I felt un-easy after wearing it out and having to push my stomach in all day while wearing it.. hehehe.. That bad! men too like beta tin

    1. Lol..that is so hilarious. Glad to know men also have fashion mistakes.


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