Enough Already!
With Summer comes a restless three year old who is awake before 7:00 am and is knocking on my bedroom door. It dawned on me that I had to find a way to channel Arielle's energy so that we both wouldn't tear our hairs out. While shopping yesterday, I decided to buy a few everyday items to keep Arielle busy; straws, finger paints, flour, food coloring. With the help of Google and some worksheets, I hope to keep her busy and make her wiser. It is essential that she's more intelligent after the summer break. So, I drew up a table so we could establish a routine for work, and then play. Today, we revised some of what she learnt in Literacy last term; phonic sounds s,a,t, and i. Then we read some words. and we decided to snip at some colorful straws and make a patterned necklace. It was so much fun for her.
I wish you all the best in keeping your LO busy at this time.

I wish you all the best in keeping your LO busy at this time.
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