What are you feeding on?

Look at these beautiful balloons? Do you think they fly because of their pretty colours? Think again...  it's because of their filler which is a kind of gas.
What do you fill your self with? Bad thoughts or negative words? You need a pure filler to rise quickly from the ashes of the past and remain high up. You can't mix good and not so good associations right now. You may not be able to stand the test of height with that decision; you are dealing with pain and already imbedded negative thoughts and energy. To rise above all you have been through , you must DELIBERATELY make positive relationships, leave your comfort zone and be positively energized. Do not let another dampen your spirit by reminding you of your past pain and struggles. You already know what you went through , don't hide in that pain or shame. You dust yourself up and say, "still I rise!". 

Focus on how you can get out of your limitations and work on it. Let go of the fifteen old friends who don't believe in you because they know where you are coming from and embrace the one new friend who looks at you right now and believes in your future possibilities.  #rise #stillirise #possibilities #friends #lettinggoofthepast #joy #love #helpingwomen #rufta #ruftawomen


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