Can we leave God out of this?

Can we learn to be responsible for our actions,and not blame a mystical being or spirituality? Can we believe in the law of cause and effect, and not be religious sycophants ? Can we believe that God did not create us to suffer in penury and mediocrity now, to enjoy later in heaven? Can we just shut up and listen to the strategies other third world countries have used to get their greedy leaders out of the power capsules,they call the presidential villas? Can we stop being lazy Christians,and use the brains God has given us to think,learn,and act?

 I am really tired of hearing, "God will judge IBB, Obasanjo, Al-Mustapha to name a few',or "it is well!". Yes,God will judge them in heaven,but on earth,who has he given powers like gods to bring justice? You and I.  It is good to be optimistic in all situations but it is also foolishness to leave things the way they are or keep doing things the same way and expect a different result. The author of "IT IS WELL" in the bible knew there was no way her son would come back alive unless there was a spiritual intervention. That was a situation beyond her control. IBB and other national leaders are 'highly intelligent',and strongly believe in the law of cause and effect so much,they  have used the national treasury to upgrade themselves financially,and are enjoying their actions.

Am I the only one that has read from the old testament of the best Book in the universe the several interesting scenarios of how evil leaders were strategically removed from the throne  and leadership roles in the past? Have we not noticed how bitter the few Nigerians who have been privileged to travel to other first class countries get when they return? They realise the lies our political leaders have sold us,'that Nigeria is trying,compared to Sudan,Somalia,and Liberia!'. Now I feel like I'm really going to throw up.  I'm sorry but why are we not comparing ourselves to  countries par excellence;USA,Canada,UK to name a few.

Why can't we learn that Accountability,Respect,and Love can be Cultured,and imbibed? Are we still expecting God to pour out wrath from heaven on our corrupt leaders after 50 years of independence?  Think again,my fellow citizens.  We do not serve a dead God,He is only waiting for us to take action. He has given us Act, Will,and Emotions. Emotions to feel, Will to take decisions,and Act to put things right.

Until we learn to be selfless and think of the unborn generations,and make up our minds we are not going to let their lives slip by unnoticed and impact less,Nigeria will remain a no man's land.

God bless Nigeria!


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