Never say Never!

About three months ago,I bought a lovely Brazilian leather peep toe. It did swallow up a significant amount of my savings,but it was worth it. About a month and half later,I realised the heels of that pair of shoes needed urgent cap replacement. I winced because it suddenly dawned on me this exotic shoe had become my everyday work shoe, and its value was diminishing significantly.

I rushed  down to a cobbler who did such a horrid job,that the heel cap came off the same day I wore the shoes. I also attempted a DIY,but it just made the heels worse. I was concerned,and mentioned it to a few colleagues at work,who adviced me to forget about ever wearing the shoes again,because from their experiences of bad heels, determination never got it mended. I listened quietly,but I had made up my mind I was not going to let go of  a pair of shoes of that quality AND price . 

Last weekend,I went on another scout for a shoe cobbler who would grant me my impossible wish. After being turned down by three cobblers,a fourth one finally offered to get it done. His service charge was so impossibly high,but he also offered me a money back guarantee if  his services was unsatisfactory. I did not bother to negotiate, because I was positive he did not have much to offer,and it was an especially hot day. To my astonishment,he did a great job,and permanent one. As I began to enjoy the shoes again,I wished I had negotiated the service charge.

How many times have we lost resources that we could have conserved for future use or other uses because we believed the present task was impossible? A lot of times we see a proposed project as unrealistic,a ruined relationship as unmendable,or a boss as impossible to work with. The problem often  is our perspective and thought pattern. We must never give up on  difficult situations, and circumstances. Instead, let us learn another way of creating a possible solution. We must learn to never run out of options on becoming a better person,or producing a better result. We must remain teachable and open to new ways of getting jobs done. 

Impossibility is a state of mind. You can go back to school while raising your kids,and you can get a second job to see yourself through college. Never say never ,because to say that,is to have thought it . To have acted on it or react to it,is to have thought it. Benjamin Barber once said, 'I don't divide the world into the weak and the strong,or the successes and failures....I divide the world into the learners and non-learners'.


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